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Mathilde Wagner


† 16.05.2014


I do something that is siilamr to that. I call it the 3-week-challenge. It either leads to a fun relationship of dating, or bust.Let me walk you through the process.First week:Goal- have a good 'first impression'.I call up the girl and have a nice conversation and ask her out for a Friday or a Saturday. * This first week is to see if there is potential. After the date and knowing that I'll like the girl more and more, I keep in touch with the Girl through texting that weekend sometime. Its important to begin having an emotional connection(the physical will come soon enough).Second Week: Goal- Make intentions known by pursuing.Know that she knows that you're a good guy, now it's time to show her that you want to make things happen.I call up the girl try to get something set up usually on Tuesday or Wednesday. You want to get some quick face-time in before the deadline for the weekend date. I ask her out for Friday or Saturday of that weekend. (i've dubbed it my one-TWO punch ;) )* The second week, about the pursual, is important. You want to be able to start growing the physical aspect of the relationship. By the end of the week, it'd be great to have a cuddle going on or hand-holding. (Too much emotional connection leads to friendship, while too much physical scares Girls...)Third Week:Goal- Making seeing each other a habit.It's all about doing things together. Find opportunities to be with her and further identify yourselves as a pair.I usually try to follow the same formula of week 2. I ask out the girl for a mid week outing, as well as have something for the weekend planned. *By doing this two weeks in a row, the following occurs:- the girl gets introduced into a fun pattern or routine of seeing you- the girl will not have time to date other guys, squeezing out competition.By going on all of these dates, you establish a fun relationship.I can't tell you its been crazy successful or anything, that's just how I roll.

Geschrieben am 19.02.2016 um 02:13
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