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Hellmut Beißl


† 16.10.2015


Hey Weston!!!Congratulations! You've finally scueceded in attracting that "persecution" that Mormons are always on about. Or at least enough of it to fill up one guy's blog...But seriously, suppose you're right and lots of people really do hate Mormons. What does that prove? There are also lots of people who hate George W. Bush, gays, Osama Bin Laden, Russia, Iran, etc. In fact, I would guess that for every person or every group of people out there that has contact with other people, there's probably some other people out there who hate them.I'm not saying that "human nature" makes it good or right -- I'm saying that hate is easy, cooperation and understanding are hard, especially among groups that are different. It takes a lot of work to build civil dialog among groups with different interests. The Internet gives us a fantastic tool to get different groups really talking to each other, but even so, it's incredibly hard to get them to use it to actually talk to each other. Believe me, I know. ;^)By contrast, there's nothing easier than fanning the flames of mistrust and hate.

Geschrieben am 19.02.2016 um 02:47
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