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Rudolf Wilflingseder


† 08.10.2013


Hello Rudolf,I came across you and your art work here at liiedknn.After viewing a lot of your work I noticed Lost Corners which I also enjoyed. I enjoy the your care and deliberation that seems to go into your art.I did a piece titled lost details which in a way relates to your Lost Corners.The web link is in the website box provided.I relate to your working methods. I find and repurpose objects. The architectural columns salvaged in my lost details was the starting point for lost details. This work is my personal commentary on a section of Brooklyn, NY where I live. I am presently witnessing the loss of many beautiful buildings, many 100 years old and older with the term of urban renewal being the catch phrase being given to the public at large. To me it is the whole sale demolition and destruction of landmark historical properties.I am happy to have come across you and your workAll the best,Carlo

Geschrieben am 22.05.2015 um 12:39
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